Houston gay bars and clubs

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Morgan and Shepherd previously played husband and wife on NBC hit “30 Rock.” Christopher Smith/Invision/AP Morgan currently has a 30 gallon, $400,000 shark tank in his yard in New Jersey. We hear Shepherd also kidded around with her former neighbor and “30 Rock” co-star Morgan, bringing up the time in 2009 when a light in his fish tank caught ablaze, causing the sprinklers in the building to go off and flood her apartment. “Guys named Weiner go to roasts with eyes wide open.”

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“I would be surprised if they didn’t make fun of me at the Friars event,” Weiner told us. Weiner, who co-hosts “ The Left vs The Right” on John Catsimatidis’ 77 WABC Radio, wasn’t offended.

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Tracy Morgan was roasted by The Friars Club at the Ziegfeld Ballroom, but one of the sharpest jabs was pointed at attendee Anthony Weiner.Ī source tells us comic Sherri Shepherd was making comedic cracks at audience members, when she joked that the pol - who was sidelined by a number of sexting scandals, and sentenced to 21 months in federal prison - was asked to leave his phone at the door because the “Friars Club has a no sexting policy.” Anthony Weiner called ‘pedophile’ while having coffee in Bryant Park

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